Saturday, November 15, 2008

Rule Follower

I am a rule follower. I always have been. OCD, anal retentive, whatever you want to call it...I just like things to be done the "right way", and that includes following the rules. I always thought this was just a part of who I am, but something that happened last night got me to thinking...

My friends and I went to see Quantum of Solace last night (really good movie!). But because our schedule got a little off (read: we were unable to tear ourselves away from the Friends of Waco Library Book Sale in time to make a Wal-Mart run before dinner), we ended up having an hour to kill before our movie started. So we decided to go to Wal-Mart and get some candy to take into the movie theater with us (which is, technically, breaking the rules.) But I was fine with it...I have cousins in NC who are experts at sneaking stuff into theaters and besides, I think charging $3.50 for a box of M&M's is ridiculous. So we bought our (cheap!) candy at Wal-Mart and went back to the theater. As we were parking, Rachel and I wondered if we could also sneak in our drinks that we had left over from dinner. A few moments and some clever purse zipping later, we were walking into the theater laden with contraband candy and soda. Oooh the criminality. All was well until, as we stood in line waiting to get into the theater, I felt a strange wet sensation against my leg. Soon, a drop of Coke fell onto my toe. Yeah-my drink was leaking. All down in my favorite Vera hipster. I high-tailed it to the restroom and tried to dry out my purse and its contents (including my candy), but didn't have much luck. I poured the drink out and went back to the theater. Having a soda in the movie was SO NOT WORTH IT.

So I think this is why I always follow the rules-because when I don't, I GET IN TROUBLE. No matter what. Freshman year of high school, when everyone was sneaking out of their hotel rooms on the orchestra trip? I was in the group that got caught. It is inevitable. I know this is really a good thing, keeps me honest and everything, but sometimes it's just annoying! This is why I am a rule follower. The moral here? Don't try to get me to break the rules with probably won't end well.

In other news, SIC 'EM BEARS! We totally WHOOPed up on the Aggies today, which really isn't saying much because, well, they suck, but it was still fun! And cold-very, very, cold. I think I'm going to go curl up in bed and watch some more football. Sounds good to me. Later people!


Alana said...

I didn't know you had a blog! Something else for me to read!!! Mac is doing better...had a great time with Grandmama/daddy. We have decided to do a weekly lunch so that they can see him more =)...Now I must say, that is a big step to put an aggie baby on a baylor bears must REALLY love him!...hope to see you soon!

Rachel Z said...

I didn't know that you blogged about me! Now I feel special! ;)