Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day Four: A Bad Habit

Day four of the bloggy challenge is a habit I wish I didn't have.

My worst and most annoying habit is definitely biting my nails. I've done it since I was little, and though I've tried several times to stop, it's never really worked for very long. Although it started before I started playing the viola, I have to place at least part of the blame on orchestra, because we aren't allowed to have long nails. Case in point: over Christmas break, I actually quit biting my nails long enough for them to grow out somewhat. I even painted them pink! They were so cute! But when I got back to school, I had to clip them for the first day of orchestra, and that was the end of that. My mom tells me that she bit her nails until she was in her 30s, so maybe there is hope for me yet. And there you have it-my least favorite, hardest to shake habit!

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