Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day One!

The topic for Day One is: A recent picture of yourself and fifteen interesting facts.

(Wow, I have never put a picture in a blog post before. Let's see if I can figure this out!)

OK, I did it! This was taken last spring when my friends and I drove down to Brenham to visit the Blue Bell factory and see some beautiful Texas wildflowers. Such a fun day.

And now for the 15 facts:
  1. My favorite kind of music is country. I don't care if people think it's corny or old-fashioned, I just love it. Even the older, 80s-era stuff.
  2. I love to fly. And not just because flying means you’re going somewhere new. I actually love airports, airplanes, and lame in-flight magazines. I think it has something to do with the fact that when you fly everything is very orderly, and there are rules that EVERYBODY has to follow, or they just don’t get to fly. It makes my Type-A self very happy.
  3. I kind of wish I could take a few weeks or months and just sit in the library and read any book that strikes my fancy. There always seem to be more important things to do other than read, and that makes me so sad-I really do love to read.
  4. I am for sure addicted to caffeine, and, more recently, I HAVE to have a cup of coffee in the morning, or else I am just all out of sorts. Ironically, though, if I have caffeine too late in the day, I can't sleep. (Apparently I'm also an 80-year old. Lame.)
  5. I'm currently writing my undergraduate Honors thesis on the public perception of placing infants in non-maternal child care. Or something like that. Ask me again in May, and I'll tell you what it really ends up being about.
  6. I love cucumbers, but hate pickles.
  7. I have a serious fear of construction sites. I'm always afraid something is going to come crashing down on my head and crush me, or I'm going to fall straight through the floor.
  8. I really dislike fluorescent light. No one looks good under it, and it baffles me why nearly every hotel in America uses it in their bathrooms. Ick.
  9. I almost have to take a shower before I go to bed at night. I can't stand getting into bed feeling sweaty/stinky/gross in any way.
  10. I really like sports. Football, baseball, basketball, pro, college, high school. I'll watch any of them, and I actually understand the rules pretty well.
  11. Ever since I've lived with a roommate (all 4 years of college), I have slept with earplugs in at night, mostly to block out noise if my roomie stays up later or gets up earlier than me. Oddly, though, when I share a room with my brother at home, I don't wear them.
  12. My favorite color is green. I am a lot more likely to buy something if it comes in green, and I currently own about 2014839 green shirts/sweaters/tank tops because of this.
  13. I don't really believe that 13 is an unlucky number.
  14. I have a Kindle, but for books I really like and think I'll want to read again, I still prefer to have a hard copy. I will say that Kindle's free international internet saved my life in Italy this summer, though.
  15. I cannot parallel park to save my life. This was never really an issue, since I grew up in the 'burbs, but in April we moved into a more urban part of town, and several times when parking is scarce I've had to call someone inside the house to come out and park my car for me on the street. Sad, I know.
So, there you go! 15 random facts about me! Hopefully I will be able to keep up with this blog challenge...see ya' tomorrow!

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