Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day Twelve-Why Blog???

So...why do I have a blog? What got me started in this whole bloggy world?

I started reading the blogs of a few friends/acquaintances waaaaaay back, probably five years ago. One of those was Nancy, whom I didn't really know at the time except that she worked at the church and was one of those silly Mildred and Gertrude ladies. Ha! Now I'm proud to call her a friend, and still enjoy reading her blog. From her blog, I got to clicking and found a few other people I "knew", and then some people I didn't, but whose blogs I really enjoyed reading. Then reading blogs became a hobby, and I finally decided I should start one of my own so that I wasn't only reading, but was also writing something too.

Obviously, I haven't kept up with ye olde bloggy very well, until now. I really want to keep up with blogging this semester and throughout the year because, as the lovely Lindsay points out, it will be a year of great changes and (hopefully) great excitement! On that note, I really need to quit blogging and procrastinating and go finish my application to Texas Tech. I officially HATE the applications process...but it's one of those things we have to endure, I suppose.

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